
发布时间: 2024-04-01 来源: 未知 栏目:翻译报价 点击:409

具体要求如下:Passengers who already booked air tickets to China must report their personal information, health status and recent travel history on a daily basis starting from Wednesday via a WeChat mini-program before boarding. Under


Chinese passengers who are going to fly from 26 countries, including the United States, Italy and Spain, to China are required to submit their health information prior to boarding the plane, the country's civil aviation regulator said on Tuesday.


Passengers who already booked air tickets to China must report their personal information, health status and recent travel history on a daily basis starting from Wednesday via a WeChat mini-program before boarding. Under special circumstances, the information can be submitted with the help of someone else.

Passengers who take the flights during the transition period between Wednesday and April 22 should report the related information every day ahead of their flights. Passenger who plan to fly after April 22 need to report the information daily for two weeks before boarding.


这里的“过渡期”用transition period表示,transition指的是从一种状态转变到另一种状态的过程,即“过渡,转变”,比如: difficult transition from childhood to adulthood(从童年到成年的艰难转变)。另外一个与transition拼写很接近的词transitory表达的是“转瞬即逝的、短暂的”意思,比如:transitory happiness(转瞬即逝的幸福)。

从意美德法等26国归国的中国籍旅客需提前填报防疫健康信息健康申报 declaration of health information

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